20 Milo Recipes That Take As Little As 10 Mins To Whip Up (2024)

Easy Milo recipes

Image adapted fromCook Republic&Feastie

First things first, it’s pronounced as mai-lou, not mee-lo. I don’t know if it’s just me but it drives me crazy each time I hear someone pronounce my favourite drink in the entire universe wrongly.

Determined to assemble the best collection of milo recipes on the planet, we scoured the Internet and found 20 milo recipes that will forever change how you look at this drink. It’s not limited to just “hot or cold!”I feel so motivated now to enter the kitchen and create these Milo treats just so I could devour them. That’s a feat considering how lazy I am because I thrive on cereal and microwaveable-anything.

‘Nuff said, and happy scrolling through this list. Bet you’ll be a convert even if you’re not entirely crazy about Milo. Be sure to check out the original creators of the recipes too in the links below.

1. Homemade Milo Ice-Cream

Source: Cook Republic

There’s nothing better than a scoop or two of creamy ice-cream bursting with rich chocolate and malt flavours. The best part of getting hands-on is that you can go all “milo dinosaur” on it and pile on heaps of Milo powder if you like it more Milo-ish.


  • Heavy cream
  • Milk
  • Egg yolks
  • Brown sugar
  • Milk chocolate
  • Milo powder
  • Salt

Click here for thefull set of steps and recipeby Cook Republic.

2. French Chocolate Macaron with Milo Filling

Source: My Domestic Bliss

Macarons aren’t the easiest things to make but these babies look every bit delectable. I can only imagine how good it’ll taste with the crunch from the chocolate macaron shells and creaminess of the Milo-infused chocolate ganache.


Macaron shells

  • Powdered sugar
  • Powdered almonds
  • Cocoa powder
  • Egg whites
  • Granulated sugar

Milo filling

  • Heavy cream
  • Milk chocolate
  • Milo powder

Click here for full set of steps and recipe by My Domestic Bliss.

3. Milo Milk Trifle

Source: Feastie

Although tedious, the end result will be worth all your effort. This little glass of Milo wonder is so sophisticated, it is fit for dinner parties and weddings. Each modest glass contains sumptuous bits that deliver the perfect texture balance with the creamy, soft and crunchy individual components.


Milo milk anglaise

  • Milk
  • Pouring cream
  • Full cream milk powder
  • Milo powder
  • Egg yolks
  • Vanilla extract

Milo crunchy

  • Milo cereal
  • Plain chocolate cookies
  • Milo powder
  • Cocoa butter
  • Milky way bars (not the ones with caramel in side)

Milo brownie

  • Milk chocolate
  • Butter
  • Milo powder
  • Caster sugar
  • Eggs
  • Flour
  • Salt
  • Vanilla extract

Milo truffle

  • Milk chocolate
  • Milo powder
  • Cream

Click here for thefull set of steps and recipeby Feastie.

4. Homemade Milo Marshmallows

Source: Raspberri Cupcakes

Store-bought marshmallows are just too mainstream. And boring. It’s so cool to know that you can make marshmallows from the comfort of your own home. I would volunteer as tribute and stuff myself silly with these pillowy homemade marshmallows dusted with Milo powder while playing Chubby Bunny with my friends.


  • Sugar
  • Liquid glucose (or light corn syrup)
  • Gelatine powder
  • Egg whites
  • Milo powder (or ovaltine)
  • Vegetable oil (or melted butter)
  • Milo powder
  • Cornflour

Click herefor thefull set of steps and recipebyRaspberri Cupcakes.

5. Milo Slice

Source: The Organised Housewife

This is probably the easiest Milo snack you’ll ever make. No exaggeration. It’s so simple there’s no way anyone can screw up making these healthy, delicious slabs. Definitely the first recipe I’m attempting from this list of 20.


  • Self-raising flour
  • Plain flour
  • Milo powder
  • Dark chocolate chips
  • Rolled oats
  • Shredded coconut
  • Brown sugar
  • Egg
  • Butter

Click herefor thefull set of steps and recipebyThe Organised Housewife.

6. Milo Brownies

Source: Laprensa

Chocolate brownies bore me – they are almost the same everywhere. It pays more to bake your own Milo brownies because your taste buds will thank you for letting them experience a more complex set of flavours from the marriage of cocoa and Milo in your recipe.

If this isn’t enough to convince you, consider that you’ll get to eat these 30 minutes after you start. Yes, baking time is included.


  • Milo powder
  • Eggs
  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • Baking powder
  • Cocoa powder
  • Plain flour
  • Butter

Click herefor thefull set of steps and recipeas listed onWikihow.

Source: Nestle

Substitute Ovaltine for Milo using this recipeby Nestle to make these sticky, chewy cuboids of goodness.

7. Milo Cake with Condensed Milk Icing & Milo Ganache

Source: Raspberri Cupcakes

100% Instagram and get-fat-worthy. Coming from me who’s always scared of putting on weight, this cake has worked its charms well. Being the annoying younger sister, I had to paste this Milo recipe on my brother’s Facebook wall because he learned baking in school. Hopefully he’ll get the hint and bake this chichi cake for me.

Round up your pals for a jolly baking session – there’s always someone in the group who has that coveted flair for making baked goods!



  • Butter
  • Caster sugar
  • Plain flour
  • Baking powder
  • Milo powder
  • Eggs
  • Buttermilk

Condensed milk icing

  • Butter
  • Icing sugar
  • Condensed milk


  • Pouring cream
  • Dark chocolate
  • Milo powder

Click herefor thefull set of steps and recipebyRaspberri Cupcakes.

Source: Yummly

This ovaltine cake with layers of floaty, toasted marshmallows looks equally tantalizing. Follow these steps by Sweetapolitato bake this cake that’s bound to make your loved ones drool.

8. Milo Double Chocolate Chip Muffins

Source: Happy Home Baking

These gigantic, moist and soft Milo muffins are ideal for picnics or an afternoon tea with your girl pals. The dudes can, of course, stuff these down their throats while killing off monsters or enemies in their virtual gaming world.

Tip: Bake these muffins a day in advance and you’ll have no issues staving off those agonising hunger pangs in the morning at work or school.


  • Self-raising flour
  • Milo powder
  • Baking powder
  • Butter
  • Sugar
  • Milk or semisweet chocolate chips
  • Eggs
  • Milk
  • Vanilla extract

Click herefor thefull set of steps and recipebyHappy Homebaker.

9. Milo Balls

Source: Sistermixin

This is the quickest Milo snack you’ll make, ever. Even if everyone wipes out the first batch of Milo balls you just made, without leaving at least one in the bowl for you to savour, don’t weep – just head back into the kitchen and make another batch. And this time, don’t pass the bowl.


  • Milk arrowroot biscuits
  • Condensed milk
  • Coconut
  • Milo powder

Click herefor thefull set of steps and recipebySistermixin.

10. Milo Cupcakes

Source: The Bubbly Baker

This is your mug of Milo with condensed milk in another physical form, only bigger and better. I would be more than happy to snag a bite off this glorious cupcake.These Milo cupcakes are way more economical than your minimum-$3-a-pop cupcake from the likes of Twelve Cupcakes or Plain Vanilla Bakery.

Tip: Leave the cupcakes in the oven slightly longer than instructed as per the recipe to achieve a crustier top.



  • Plain flour
  • Caster sugar
  • Baking powder
  • Baking soda
  • Milo powder
  • Vanilla extract
  • Sour cream
  • Unsalted butter
  • Eggs

Condensed milk frosting

  • Slightly salted butter
  • Icing sugar
  • Sweetened condensed milk

Click herefor thefull set of steps and recipebyNestle.

11. Milo Mocha

Source: Wikihow

I rather have a cuppa that I can concoct in my own kitchen than a $7 Starbucks drink that I have to queue 15 mins for.


  • Milo powder
  • Coffee
  • Sugar (optional)
  • Milk/cream (optional)
  • Whipped cream (optional)

Click here for thefull set of steps and recipeas listed onWikihow.

12. Milo Porridge

Source: Nestle

I’ve tried this before the even lazier way with instant oats for a super quick meal at home. This may look like baby food but it’s not that disgusting taste-wise.

It’s full of nutrients and tasted considerably decent with subtle hints of Milo. Some toasted nuts or fresh berries would definitely enhance the taste of this hearty bowl of Milo oats porridge.


  • Oats
  • Low fat milk
  • Milo powder

Click herefor thefull set of steps and recipebyNestle.

13. Easy Fried Milo French Toast

Source: Pintrest

This little food hack may just make your French toasts taste a whole lot better than if they were just plain old French toasts. Although soaking the pieces of bread in Milo sounds pretty quirky, those who love Milo should give this recipe a go for that unique sweet malty flavour.


  • Evaporated milk
  • Milo powder
  • Egg
  • Vanilla essence
  • White bread (or whole meal bread)
  • Butter
  • Fine granulated sugar (optional)

Click herefor thefull set of steps and recipebyPeachpurple.

14. DIY Milo Bar

Source: Overclockers Forum

From the picture above, which one do you think is the one you can DIY at home – the nondescript-looking one on the left or the one fully filled Milo powder on the right?

Solely based on how they look, I’d prefer to eat the one on the right just because it looks more real and less laden with chemicals. Psst, you’re right if you guessed that’s the DIY version!


  • Milo powder
  • Milk
  • Milk chocolate

Click herefor thefull set of steps and recipebyDigitalvoodoo.

15. Australian Milo Cheesecake with a Chocolate Crackle Crust

20 Milo Recipes That Take As Little As 10 Mins To Whip Up (18)Source: Raspberri Cupcakes

Cheers to a no-bake cheesecake! This delightful cheesecake bursting with Milo flavours also boasts a heavenly combination of textures that will be an absolute hit with your loved ones.

For those who love their cheesecakes but aren’t fans of anything too gelat, take heart that this recipe ensures that the cheese is kept light thanks to the gelatine in the whipped cream.


Chocolate crackle base

  • Milk chocolate
  • Desiccated coconut
  • Rice bubbles/rice krispies cereal

Cheesecake filling

  • Heavy cream
  • Cream cheese
  • Caster sugar
  • Milk
  • Milo powder
  • Gelatine powder

Click herefor thefull set of steps and recipebyRaspberri Cupcakes.

16. Chocolate Whoopie Pies with Milo Cream Filling

Source: Scrumptious Magazine

Look at that luscious velvety Milo cream sandwiched between the chocolate pies! It is amazing how the perfectly whipped Milo cream holds up to the dense, moist chocolate cake without showing any sign of collapsing.

Tip: Keep them away from kids before meal time in case they gorge on these chocolate burgers instead of their greens.


Chocolate whoopie pies

  • Plain flour
  • Cocoa powder
  • Baking soda
  • Salt
  • Buttermilk
  • Vanilla
  • Unsalted butter
  • Brown sugar
  • Egg

Milo cream filling

  • Thickened cream
  • Milo powder
  • Icing sugar
  • Gelatine
  • Cold water

Click herefor thefull set of steps and recipebyScrumptious Magazine.

17. Milo Bubble Bars

Source: Nestle

This recipe requires minimal effort from your end while promising you a ball of a time furiously munching these sticky, sweet puffs. I can only imagine how fragrant these are and how good an alternative it is to regular sweetened popcorn.


  • Unsalted butter
  • Honey
  • White sugar
  • Milo powder
  • Crispy rice cereal

Click herefor thefull set of steps and recipebyNestle.

18. Milo Nougat Bars

Source: Woman’s Day

The only nougats that I’m familiar with are those sealed in wrappers from Golden Boronia. I never knew you could make your own nougats at home without any complex machines and tools.

Truth be told, nobody says these fancy Milo nougat bars are easy to make; they are highly technical so do not be disheartened even if your first attempt doesn’t turn out as well as you’d expect. Just keep trying!


  • Caster sugar
  • Water
  • Glucose syrup
  • Honey
  • Egg whites
  • Dark chocolate
  • Milo powder
  • Roasted hazelnuts
  • Dark chocolate

Click herefor thefull set of steps and recipebyWoman’s Day.

19. Milo Ice Blocks

Source: Pintrest

Who hasn’t done this during their growing up years haven’t really had a childhood. It’s literally a #CheapThrill that is easily accessible within the home premises and costs next to nothing, Additionally, no parents would chide their children for having mindless fun making popsicles.


  • Skim milk
  • Milo powder

Click here for thefull set of steps and recipebyThe Whoot.

20. Milo biscuits

Source: Claire K Creations

Just like humans, biscuits come in all shapes and sizes. And flavours. Try baking these toasty Milo biscuits for a change from the usual double chocolate chipped ones. Switch up the recipe by using less butter and perhaps a little coconut oil for a more complex palate.


  • Butter
  • Caster sugar
  • Egg
  • Self-raising flour
  • Milo powder

Click herefor thefull set of steps and recipebyClaire K Creations.

BONUS: Make Your Own Milo

20 Milo Recipes That Take As Little As 10 Mins To Whip Up (24)Source: michtsang

Undeniably unimaginable but it can be done. Quite easily, in fact.

Rice Malt Syrup, salted butter, vanilla bean powder and raw cacao powder is all you need to MAKE your own version Milo. Follow theseinstructionsand you’ll get your homemade milo in no time.The credit for this recipe goes to Alexx Stuart.

Time To Get High On Milo

Before you run off to the supermarkets to grab the ingredients required to make these divine Milo treats, here’s a #FunFact for you – Milo was actually founded in Australia in 1934 even though it is immensely popular in Asia and some of us may have even thought it was created in some Asian country.

We hope this exhaustive list of Milo recipes has been helpful for all you Milo fanatics out there. Have fun experimenting and tweaking your recipes to incorporate Milo because you’ll never know how it will turn out unless you give it a shot!

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20 Milo Recipes That Take As Little As 10 Mins To Whip Up (2024)


How to make the best Milo? ›

Add 3 to 5 tablespoons (44.4 to 73.9 ml) of Milo powder, 3 tablespoons (44.4 ml) of powdered milk, and 1 teaspoon of sugar to a glass. Fill the glass about halfway full with hot water, and stir until Milo is fully dissolved. Add ice to fill the glass, stir, and enjoy your refreshing ice cold Milo!

What can I do with hard Milo? ›

One proven method is to take the milo out of the tin and place it in a Ziplock bag, the with a meat cleaver or rolling pin beat the milo until it turns into powder again.

What makes MILO hard? ›

it's because the milo contain a starch or something similar to it that once it hit with air, it will combined itself with other powder then making it solid block, if given a lot of air.

How to make MILO Godzilla? ›

  1. Pre-chill a mug or glass for about 15 minutes.
  2. Dissolve 4 Tbsp Milo and sugar in hot water.
  3. Transfer to pre-chilled mug or glass. Add cold milk and crushed ice. Mix well.
  4. Top with 2 Tbsp Milo, whipped cream /ice cream and marshmallows. Serve.

How to do MILO dinosaur? ›

Method. Add 5 tsp Milo, Sweetened Condensed Milk and boiling water to a glass and mix well to combine. If you don't want any lumps, mix a couple of tablespoons of hot water with the Milo first to form a paste before adding the rest of the water. Fill the rest of the glass with ice​ and add the semi skimmed milk.

What is 2 in 1 MILO? ›

MILO is specially formulated with milk, nutritious malt, vitamins and minerals to support nutritious breakfast. Accredited the Healthier Choice status from the Health Promotion Board. Contains Vitamins which contribute to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.

What is Milo 3 in 1? ›

MILO 3in1 contains the natural goodness of cocoa, milk and malt for the nourishing, delicious, more chocolatey and richer MILO taste. Each cup is fortified with essential nutrients to fuel you with the energy to take on your daily challenges.

Why is Milo truck so good? ›

“The Milo van Milo is made fresh and cold with the same Milo powder that is produced directly from Nestle Jurong Factory. Add that to the sense of accomplishment or success after finishing a run, exercise or competition, and you'll get the Milo van experience,” Chow told us.

Why does Milo taste different? ›

The thick opaque syrup is obtained from malted wheat or barley sourced from companies that produce these raw products. Milo's composition and taste differ in some countries due to logistics limitations and personal preferences among different regions.

What is the difference between Milo and Milo dinosaur? ›

Milo Dinosaur is also known as "ta-chiu", The drink is made by adding a generous amount of undissolved Milo powder to a cup of iced Milo. The amount of powder added can be excessive or as little as a spoonful. The drink is common in Malaysia and Singapore.

Why is my Milo chunky? ›

It is customary for crunchy bits of MILO® to float on top after mixing with cold milk. To avoid excessive clumping, ensure utensil is dry before inserting it into the powder.

Is Milo OK for adults? ›

Yes, MILO® can be also enjoyed by adults. However, there is MILO® NUTRI UP® which is especially designed to meet your adult nutritional needs. Can children below 3 years old enjoy MILO®? MILO® is especially designed to help meet the nutritional needs of school children ages 6-12 years old.

What makes Milo crunchy? ›

Milo is made from a thick syrup of malted wheat or barley. The water is slowly evaporated, leaving the dry chunky powder behind. Combine this with some cocoa and you get the delicious crunchy grains that we all love.

Should MILO be made with milk or water? ›

MILO® can be prepared with dairy milks, non-dairy alternatives or water.

What is the correct way to drink MILO? ›

Simply add 3-heaped teaspoons of MILO® 30% Less Added Sugar to a glass of hot or cold skim milk for a delicious nourishing drink.

What makes MILO effective? ›

Milo contains PROTOMALT, a propriety malt extract that contains a mixture of complex carbohydrates which provides fuel for your body. It is enriched with calcium which is essential for the development of strong bones and teeth and it's a great source of protein, essential for building and repairing of body tissues.

What is the best ratio for MILO? ›

Then, the ratio is usually one cup of milk to two heaped tablespoonfuls of MILO®. Pour in boiling water and stir well for a minute or so before you remove the whole spices⁹ to drink!


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