Bristol Herald Courier from Bristol, Tennessee (2024)

FRIDAY MORNING, 'APRIL 26, 1935. THE BRISTOL -HERALD COURIER, RRISTOL, VIRGINIA -TENNESSEE. SEVEN FIRST SECTION AS NEW YORK SOCIETY PARADED EASTER FINERY feller, only living daughter John D. Rockefeller. DOROTHY DIX 1 PH FOR PERCE IT I Money Comet Close to Being the Root df All Evil in the Home, Sajr Dorothy' Dix For Most Men six at night, she said, she greets and interviews patients, studying their characteristics for her employer.

Can you she was asked. After a fashion nout of tin cans. ja- A Miss Prentice is the daughter of Parmalee Prentice, an attorney, and tjie former Alta Rocke VIRGINIA WINS CHARLOTTESVILLE, Apr. 25. (AP) Breaking a losing streak, Virgii8punchd4n--thFe4.

runs in the eighth-to come from behind and. defeat West Virginia four to three this afternoon. it ITI TlirrSRSlmre" Wives1 Needof Financial Independence and Matters Are Made Even Worse When Wife Holds Purse 9 Strings i ii i I. IT DOES not seem that the financial problem should be a menace to the home, but, in reality, money comes very near being the root of all evil in marriage. It starts more quarrels than all other causes combined, and the lady on the silver dollar alienates more husbands and wives and brings about more divorces than all the sirens and vamps do.

t-- iJ Friday is MacaroniDay rrf fij '0 ii i J'f (fife xnni) GMl (MB (BUM fa? faro GBQjlk -es, ft .0 rJ if t. it ry ft 9 A asm just as Just as 4 'ff'S (J r( VA Theoretically we dispose of the money question with a grand and generous gesture. With ail my worldly -goods I thee endow, swears the bridegroom at the altar, and this presupposes that whatever the husband has, is the wifes and that she has equal share in the profits and perquisites of the matrimonial partnership. The poor woman is still further deluded into this belief by the fact that she works just as hard as her husband does and pinches the pennies closely and strives just as hard to make the firm a success as he does. feels that he is in a subordinate position, just as the unknown husband of a famous woman always feels that he is, and his vanity cant stand that.

Doubtless there are penurious rich women who dole out nickels to their husbands. and require them to give an account of what they did with the quarter they gave them week belore last, just as there are husbands who treat their wives in that manner. Possibly rich wives are not so humble and complacent and do not take so much back talk from their husbands a- dependent wives do from theirs. But far whatever reason, it does not make for the success of a marriage for a poor man to marry a rich But when a wife tries to cash on her quaint notion that ber husband has gone fifty-fifty with her about money, only too she finds herself sadly mistaken. About everything else in marriage, yes.

But about the bank account well, that is something else again, Isabel. Thats different. Thats the mans perquisite. arrogates to himself the sole right to tote the pocketbook, and many a woman with a rich husband never has a thin dime in the handsome bag with which he presented her at Christmas. Of course, stingy men who refuse to give their wives even the wages of a servant as an Presenting the most lavish display of new finery since boom days, shop girls nibbed elbows with New Yorks society in an eye-filling Easter fashion parade under cloudy bat dry Okies.

Above is shown the packed throng of paraders and onlookers at the height of the display In front of St. Patrlcka Cathedral on Fifth Avenne in the heart of societys church district. MENINGITIS OUTBREAK CAROLINA PROHIBITION REPORTED NEAR WELCH REFERENDUM PROPOSED SOCIAL SCIENCE GROUP TO HEAR JUDGE ULMAN First of 140 Masses Hefd by Cardinal Pacelli, Legate of Pope Pius LOURDES, France, April 25. (AP) Prelates in red and purple today led 50,000 pilgrims at Lourdes famous grotto in prayers for peace which, lasting three days and nights, will be shared by Catholic faithful throughout the world. At 4 p.

in the presence of Eugenio Cardinal Pacelli, personal legate of Pope Pius, was held the first of 140 masses which will be celebrated during the 72 hours as the closing solemnities of the churchs two-year Jubilee of the redemption. The grotto where Saint Bernadette reported the apparition or the virgin and the streets outside the shrine were brilliantly illuminated for the all night supplications to the diety. Lourdes sparkled with unusual splendor as the lights gleamed from the silver helmets of Vatican officers and emphasized the resplendent robes of the papal dignitaries. Sixty high ecclesiastics from North and South America, Eurolean nations and India, China, apan, Australia and Africa, were here to greet the papel secretary of state. Among these churchmen mingled the members of noble European families, including former Empress Zita of Austria and the Archduke Otto, whose claim to the throne of the ancient Hapsburgs is one of the thorny problems of the present.

Cannon roared in salute and the church bells pealed as the legate of Pius XI left his train and passed under a triumphal arch to be hailed as the ambassador of peace." Throngs of pilgrims jammed the sidewalks which were lined with guards, and cheered the cardinal as he drove past in a carriage behind six horses. -The streets were riotous with flags, banners and spring flowers. The tri-color of France and the papal banner of white and gold predominated. Showers of rain not affect the religious ardor of the crowds. GREAT NAME A BURDEN FOR MARY A.

PRENTICE NEW YORK, April 25. (AP) Mary Adeline Prentice, 27-year-old granddaughter of John D. Rockefeller, stood in the white linen uniform of a nurse today fend complained of the fame of her name. Ive always lived in the shadow of a great name, she protested. 1 want to lead my own life.

I want to be left alone. Like her brothers, one of whom is a lawyer and the other an oil man, Miss Prentice has rejected the easy life of an heiress. She has determined to make her own career and to earn her own living. A graduate of Vassar last June, she worked for two years as assistant to a psychiatrist, in clinics, and now holds a position in the office of Dr. Richard Horace Hoffmann.

-From ten in the morning until MACARONI ROll- Jicrf tP000 aU MUed boiling water kedY carrots. Spread RALEIGH, N. April 25. (AP) The House today passed and sent to the Senate a bill Jo create a state liquor store system if 51 of North Carolinas 100 counties vote wet in a referendum on June The vote was 53 to 50. As it came from the finance committee and was passed on second reading yesterday, the bill provided for establishment of the system if 12 counties voted vet.

Before passage on third and final reading, however, it was amended to require a wet vote by 51 counties. North Carolina voted against ratification of national repeal of prohibition by 175,000 majority. Only 12 counties voted wet. Conferees on the biennial revenue said they hoped to report this afternoon. -ri Together WILLIAMSBURG, Apr.

25. (AP) Judge Joseph N. Ulman, of the supreme bench of the city of Baltimore, will be among the first speakers tomorrow on the program of the ninth annual meet ing of the Virginia Social Science Association here. He will discuss The Rationalization of Criminal Law. Geoffrey May, chairman of the law section of the meeting, '1 that Judge Ulman will discuss manifest defects of criminal law procedure in the light of ten years experience in presiding over one of the countrys major criminal courts.

Judge Ulman, Dr. May said, has served on the supreme bench of Baltimore since' 1924 and is the author of two judicial decisions in the United Railways and the Dutcher cases that have attracted nation-wide attention. WELCH, W. April 25. (AP) The closing ol three schools and a quarantine in the mountainous Short Ridge section of McDowell county after an outbreak of spinal meningitis was ordered today by Dr.

W. C. Hall, county health officer. Hall reported five deaths in the last two weeks and said five persons are in a Welch hospital. Two deaths occurred yesterday.

At the state health department in Charleston, Dr. A. M. Price said he would go to McDowell county tomorrow to Investigate but said he had been advised the situation is not alarming and that the disease is confined to the Short Ridge area. Those who have died from the disease are Mrs.

Clarence Atwell, 34; Carroll Leonard Short, 13; Sallie Short, 13; Alice Short 14; and a three-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. N. Dawson. A third complication comes In when a woman has some property of her own and Is married to a man whom she loves and who is everything that is good and kind and fine, but who is no business man.

Many of the most intelligent, the most cultivated, the most agreeable and companionable men in the world are totally lacking in financial sagacity. They are visionary. Unduly optimistic. Untrained, the foredoomed victim of every swindler who comes along with a get-rich-quick scheme. in often He allowance, camouflage their meanness by trying to deceive themselves Into thinking that women have no pride or personal dignity and that they dont mind begging for the money they have earned a dozen times over by their services But, in reality, they know better, and If they have any sense at all they must know that they are taking the quickest and surest way to making their wives hate them If the tightwad husband is one compilation in marriage, the rich wife is another.

The one thing that a woman wants most is a happy married life and that is the one thing that her money seems unable to buy for her. The proportion of old maids among millionairesses is greater than among any other class of women, and you rarely see a very rich woman who has married who has not had one or two divorces. lnce women are all cut off same bolt, and stamped in tho same colors of sweetness and sourness, of amiability and temper, of selfishness and unselfishness, the qualifications of the rich and poor for wifehood must be about the same. Hence It Is obvious that the reason that so few of the rich have devoted husbands is that the wives moneybags, somehow, separate them. Maybe it is because the poor husband of a rich wife always SERVE.

IT TODAY ANCEL COMPENSATION INSURANCE IN WISE PHONE POLES REMOVED FROM NORTON STREET It sounds too good to be true but Quaker Quick Milk Macaroni makes' Friday dinners the easiest instead of the hardest, to prepare! It cooks in 5 to 8 minutes. And its richer, more tender, more nourishing, because its made with whole milk. But it costs no more than the ordinary kind! Order Quaker Quick Milk Macaroni from your grocer now! Now the curious thing is that while a man will recognize that he hasnt a tenor voice or that he couldnt paint a picture or write a best-seller, he can never be convinced that he isnt a Napoleon of finance, and if his wife would just turn over all her money to him he would make a killing. She may have staked him to a dozen enterprises that have failed, but that hasnt shaken his faith that this one will gross a million. STUDENTS BACK SHAWKEY HUNTINGTON, W.

April 25. (AP) The students of Marshall College today called off the strike they had proposed in protest against any change in the presidency of the institution. Instead, they called a meeting tonight to endorse President M. P. Shawltey, whose job is to be discussed tomorrow by the state board of education in Charleston.

SptdtJ ta Tha Harald Csnritr NORTON, April 25. Operation of relief projects in Wise county ran into a new complication this week, with receipt of letters from the Bituminous Casualty Company, advising that tour compensation insurance contracts in Wise county, will be cancelled April 30. In the letter to E. P. Boy den, Wise county welfare agent, the reason given was non-payment of premium.

Mr. Boyden says, however, the real reason is the increasing number of accidents on relief obs. We have paid our premiums through January, he said, and have received no statement for premium due since then. A hurried meeting of the board pwlkiti If the wife has a grain of sense in her head she gets a death grip on the remnants of her fortune to save herself and her ch.ldren and her husband from the poorhouse. But if she does he never forgives her for it.

He resents her lack of faith in him and he feels that she has defrauded him out of the fortune that he certainly would have made if she had given him her money to speculate with. BpcctvJ to Tho Herald Courier NORTON, April 25. Nortons dream of years began this week to come true. Workmen commenced excavations Monday morning fora telephone cable under Park Avenue, at Ninth street. The cable will be extended to Kentucky avenue, on the south side, and when completed carry all the wires that now are carried on poles down Park avenue.

When the project is completed, all of these wires and phone poles will have been removed from Park avenue, from Ninth street to the Greever Motor Sales, and another Kiwanis objective of many years will have been accomplished. The Company readily agreed, more than a year ago, to remove the poles, at the urging of the Kiwanis club, since which time it has been bus accumulating the necessary special equipment for the job. of supervisors directed Mr. Boyden to call on W. W.

Field, VERA administrator at Big Stone Gap, and insist on the employment of a safety director to sup ervise all relief projects in the county. And so the fight goes on in the home as well as out of it over money, which we can neither do with nor without. DOROTHY DIX. HSMi Keep a Good Laxative always in your home Among the necessities of home is a good, reliable laxative. Dont be without one! Do your best to prevent constipation.

Dont neglect it when you feel any of its disagreeable symptoms coming on We have used Thedfords BtfH-Draught for 21 years and hail-found it a very useful every family ought to have in their home," writes Mrs. Perry Hicks, of Belton, Texas. I take Black-Draught for biliousness, constipation and other ills where a good laxative or purgative is needed. I have always found Black-Draught gives good re- SUltSBLACK DRAUGHT SAMS RETURNS FROM TENNESSEE CAPITAL sWm mm 4 4 Brack R. Sams of Bluff City, Sullivan county member of the lower house of the Tennessee general assembly, returned from Nashville yesterday.

The legislature ended its work officially last Monday, but Mr. Sams remained in Nashville until Wednesday to secure the governors signature to various local bills which lacked only the executives approval before becoming law. SIAIID-IN MICHANISM Never requires oiling. Forced-draft -cooled for greater efficiency. Protected 5 years against service expense liar only $3.00.

MACARONI RECIPE Macaroni MUanatse I-2 package Quaker Milk Macaroni 4 tablespoonr butter 2 tablespoons flour I I-2 cups milk, rich 1 teaspoon salt 1-2 cup carrots 1-2 cup turnips 1-2 cup cabbage 1-2 cup onion 2 eggs Brown the flour, and cream with butter. Add milk slowly, then salt. Place on fire and cook slowly, stirring constantly until thick. Cook vegetables in boiling, salted water until tender and drain. Cook macaroni in boiling salted water until tender and drain.

Combine macaroni with cooked vegetables; add the 2 chopped, cooked eggs to the white sauce, and more salt if needed. Into greased baki dish put alternate layers of the above mixture and white sauce. Bake 30 minutes in moderate oven. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL CHALMERS ON SALE MVOIVINO SHIM Brings everything on it instantly within reach. Turned halfway, it makes everything accessible on the shelf below.

Friday, 9 A. M. ROOM KIRN RAM Adds to graceful appearance of cabinet, and makes it easier to clean thoroughly underneath. Double all-steel construction. 50 SILK and WOOL DRESSES cn SpcrltJ ta The Harald Canrltr CHALMERS, April 25.

The Rev. Frank L. Roof preached at Silver Grove Easter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

Glenn Crumley are keeping house at their home on the Paddle Creek Pike. George Morton of Central Hol-ston visited his aunt, Mrs. J. A. Meredith last Wednesday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Haskell Hughs of Rocky Springs and Frank Roof of South Carolina spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. J.

Crumley and family. Miss Jennie Crumley, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.

Meredith and children, Andrew Crumley, S. T. Sharpe and sisters. Misses Jennie and Hattie, ana Frank Riley went to the Sunday School convention at River Bend Saturday. Mr, and Mrs.

Dexter Vance and, Mrs. Don Draygoo shopped in Bristol Wed nesday afternoon. The Rev. J. C.

Black is improving after an illness. Mr. and Mrs. J. R.

Crumley had for their guests Easter Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Chester Fine and family of Bristol, Mr. and Mrs. Haskell Hughs of Rocky Springs and Mr.

and Mrs. Glenn Crumley. Mrs. George Thompson spent Satyrday in Bristol. Roy Danner spent Wednesday in Bristol.

Mr. and Mrs. Page Me Cleilan of near Bluff City visited relatives here Sunday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Henry Littleford and children of near Bristol vis' ited relatives here Sunday after' noon.

0C1GQ6 035? 3B SALE CONTINUES STOCK of Ladies Wearing Apparel, Including Stock of JOE MARIE SHOPPE Purchased from Receiver On Sale at 642 State Street Tennessee Side (44 t- al 1 Thrift Auto Supply Inc THE BRISTOL 4 MARION Edmondson Electric Co. Abingdon, Va. Mathieson General Stores Saltville, Va. Auto Electric Co. Kingsport, Tenn.

M. L. Ramey Co. Chilhowte, Va. i The Honaker Harness and Saddlery Honaker, Va..

Bristol Herald Courier from Bristol, Tennessee (2024)


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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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